Affordable Used Bikes & More!
Full Cycle is a non-profit social enterprise of Pillsbury United Communities. We are a bicycle recyclery in South Minneapolis, MN that offers support and connection to unhoused youth. Our youth employment training programs focus on the reduction of waste and redistribution of goods in an effort to support individual and community health.
Upcoming Events
Saturday, October 19th
Garage Sale
From 10am-3pm at Full Cycle
Open Store Hours
Tuesday - Thursday, 12 - 6 PM
No Appointment Necessary
Tuesday - Thursday, 12 - 6 PM
Youth Services
Full Cycle connects with and supports young people experiencing homelessness through several interconnected strategies.
Support Full Cycle and youth in our community today!
Creating Opportunities Through Bikes
Bikes are incredibly useful as a means of affordable transportation and exercise. To a young person who has been struggling to make it on their own and dealing with the realities of housing insecurity, a bike can mean so much more. Employment, confidence, fun, self-care-- these are just a few of the many things a bike might bring to a young person accessing Full Cycle.